
Children's Ministry
We welcome children and love to have them a part of our worship services! We provide activity bags and Kid's Moments in each of our worship services. We have added an all new Children's Church during our Sunday School hour at 9:00am. We also have a mid-week Kid's Program on Wednesdays at 6PM with fun lessons and activities for kids 0-6th grade.

Youth Ministry
We are so excited to be able to offer a place for teens to hang out and learn about Jesus while also being able to grow into healthy, well-rounded adults. We host youth group every week on Wednesdays at 6PM and have a variety of events throughout the year just for teens.

Adult Ministry
We know that our journey of growing into the people Jesus wants us to be is never done, so we are pleased to provide a way for adults at every stage of their walk with Jesus to learn and grow. We offer a weekly Bible study for adults on Wednesdays at 6pm as well as a variety of activities throughout the year for adults to continue to strengthen their faith.

Music Ministry
We have an amazing worship team led by Ronnie Blinn and Pastor Thomas Tilford, and we are always looking for new musicians to join the team. If you have a talent for singing or playing an instrument and are looking for a way to serve we would love for you to join us on Sunday mornings!

Compassionate Ministries
We partner with the other churches and organizations in the community to help those in need both in our town and those visiting or passing through. From cars stalled on the freeway to houses with frozen pipes to families in need of food, we come along side those in need to be the hands and feet of Jesus for them.